Meet the Founder

Hi, my name is Jami Wright & I'm so excited you're here!
I'm a mom, wife, HIGH Fitness Instructor & am 14 years sober. I have a passion for food, living a healthy lifestyle, travelling and loving life.
I started Cozy Spoonfuls because I love protein balls, and wanted to share them with you. My goal was to make a protein ball that tasted guilty without the guilt and I’m proud to say Cozy Spoonfuls taste like your favorite treats.
I also wanted to make them convenient as possible by scooping and weighing out each ball. I am always on the go and these are perfect for a quick, healthy snack. They taste so good most people have to hide them from their kids 🤤
I started Cozy Spoonfuls in fall 2022 and have been overwhelmed with your love and support. We have been working so hard, and can barely keep up with all your orders! It is amazing seeing Cozy Spoonfuls become staples in your fridges. I feel like someone’s going to pinch me and I’ll wake up. I am so grateful you're here🥰
⭐️ Right now I’m just local and I post times and locations on my Instagram stories for you to order. I'm planning to eventually add shipping so if you're not local you can order online. Make sure you're following our Instagram @cozyspoonfuls to stay up to date!
I'm a mom, wife, HIGH Fitness Instructor & am 14 years sober. I have a passion for food, living a healthy lifestyle, travelling and loving life.
I started Cozy Spoonfuls because I love protein balls, and wanted to share them with you. My goal was to make a protein ball that tasted guilty without the guilt and I’m proud to say Cozy Spoonfuls taste like your favorite treats.
I also wanted to make them convenient as possible by scooping and weighing out each ball. I am always on the go and these are perfect for a quick, healthy snack. They taste so good most people have to hide them from their kids 🤤
I started Cozy Spoonfuls in fall 2022 and have been overwhelmed with your love and support. We have been working so hard, and can barely keep up with all your orders! It is amazing seeing Cozy Spoonfuls become staples in your fridges. I feel like someone’s going to pinch me and I’ll wake up. I am so grateful you're here🥰
⭐️ Right now I’m just local and I post times and locations on my Instagram stories for you to order. I'm planning to eventually add shipping so if you're not local you can order online. Make sure you're following our Instagram @cozyspoonfuls to stay up to date!